BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero:
✔подпомага покачването на чистата мускулна маса и сила;
✔подобрява възстановяването след физическа активност;
✔намалява общото ниво на мазнини в тялото;
✔100% суроватъчен протеин, 0% въглехидрати, 0% мазнини;
✔стимулира имунната система;
✔регулиране на липидите в кръвта;
✔подобрява инсулиновата чувствителност;
✔без глутен, без аспартам, без палмово масло, без консерванти.
BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero е суроватъчен протеин, с високо съдържание на белтъчини в доза. BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero e нaпpaвeн oт нaй-чиcтия филтpиpaн cypoвaтъчeн пpoтeин изoлaт, нямa лaĸтoзa, нямa тpaнc мaзнини и нямa дoбaвeнa зaxap. Bиcoĸaтa биoлoгичнa cтoйнocт гo пpaви yниĸaлeн в пpoдyĸтoвaтa гaмa нa BioTech USA, cпeциaлнo зa xopa, ĸoитo цeлят пoĸaчвaнeтo нa чиcтaтa мycĸyлнa мaca и пoддъpжaнe нa мycĸyлaтypaтa. BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero e нaй-дoбpoтo peшeниe зa тeзи, ĸoитo тpeниpaт ycилeнo и xopa, ĸoитo ce нyждaят oт бъpзo ycвoявaнe нa бeлтъчинитe, зa дa ce зaвъpши пoдoбaвaщo eднa тeжĸa тpeниpoвĸa. BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero съдържа тaĸa имa и виcoĸa дoзa глyтaмин, ĸoйтo пoдпoмaгa възcтaнoвявaнeтo и изгpaждaнeтo нa чиcтa мycĸyлнa мaca. BioTech USA Iso Whey Zero е виcoĸoпpoцeнтeн cypoвaтъчeн пpoтeинoв ĸoнцeнтpaт, целящ спомагането на покачване на максимално чиста мускулна маса.
Указания за употреба:
Смесете 1 доза (25г = 1 лъжичка, пълна до маркировката на върха = 2 напълнени супени лъжици) с 200 мл или 350 мл вода в бутилка или шейкър. В дните на тренировка приемайте 1 доза сутрин и 1 доза веднага след тренировка. В дните на почивка приемайте 1 порция сутрин и 1 порция следобед.
Всяка доза от 25г съдържа:
Калории - 93
Мазнини < 0.5г, от които наситени 0.3г
Въглехидрати < 1.3г, от които захари 0.5г
Протеин - 21г
Сол - 0.18г
Само за възрастни. Продуктът е хранителна добавка. Да не се използва като заместител на разнообразното хранене. Да не се превишава препоръчаната дневна доза. Не приемайте, ако сте алергични към някоя от съставките. Консултирайте се с Вашия лекар преди да започнете прием, ако сте бременна, кърмите, опитвате да заченете, приемате лекарства или имате някакво заболяване.
Произведено в завод, който произвежда мляко, яйца, соя, ракообразни, серен диоксид и ядки, съдържащи храни. Опаковка: 908 грама (36 дози)
Условия за съхранение:
Да се съхранява на сухо и хладно място, недостъпно за деца. Да не се използва след датата на изтичане на срока на годност, отбелязан върху опаковката.
Доставка до офис на Спиди - 4.00лв
Доставка до адрес със Спиди - 6.00лв
Доставка до офис на Еконт - 4.50лв
Доставка до адрес с Еконт - 6.00лв
Поръчки на стойност над 60лв безплатна доставка до офис на Еконт или Спиди. Поръчки на стойност над 80лв безплатна доставка до адрес.
ANANA FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
CHERRY-BANANA FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 89% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine, creamer [palm fat and palm kernel oil, maltodextrin, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), milk protein, stabilisers (potassium phosphates, sodium alginate), antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), salt, sweetener (sucralose), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, colours (Allura Red AC¹, indigotine). ¹ Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
COCONUT FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, acid (citric acid), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.
LEMON-CHEESECAKE FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti- caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
PISTACHIO FALVOUR: whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins ( soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti- caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine1, indigotine). 1Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
WALNUT LIQUEUR FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, sweetener (sucralose).
PIÑA COLADA FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
BERRY BROWNIE FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.
VANILLA-CINNAMON ROLL FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, cinnamon, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
PINEAPPLE-MANGO FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 89% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine
0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)1. 1Tartrazine and Allura Red AC may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
STRAWBERRY FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), salt, L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (Allura Red AC¹). ¹Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
YOGURT-APRICOT FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)¹. ¹Tartrazine, Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 84% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.
CHOCOLATE-TOFFEE FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 3.1%, colour (ammonia caramel), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, thickener (carrageenan, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.
COOKIES&CREAM FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 82% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anticaking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, chocolate powder [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat- reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), flavouring], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), cinnamon, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, sweetener (sucralose).
HAZELNUT FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.
TIRAMISU FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, instant coffee, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), cinnamon, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. WARNING: The product contains caffeine. Not recommended for children, or pregnant women. (10 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drink product, or 6 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drink product in case of maximal dilution.)
VANILLA FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenatedcoconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
WHITE CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR: whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%.